Wednesday, August 18, 2010

day forty-freakin nine - Is it over yet?

There are days when the pcp gets on my last nerve. This morning was one of them. I had to wake up at 630 this morning cause my friend who crashed with me had an 8am meeting. I made her coffee and breakfast and then sent her off and had plenty of time to jump rope and work a little 8 min abs. Everything was going smoothly while I made my breakfast and got ready. I even had the chance to be early into work. Then,  DISASTER. I reached for my prepacked lunch and somehow the container slipped from my fingers and couscous, cucumbers and tomatoes went flying. It spilled onto two levels of my fridge, the crisper, my kitchen counter and the floor. F-@#$%@#$%. There goes being on time to work. I was pissed and immensely resentful of all the work it would take to clean up the mess. I know something so silly shouldn't send me over the edge but we spend so much damn time cooking, cleaning, working out that any more time the pcp sucks up just irritates the crap out of me.  

And whoop-dee doo, a new pcp week starts tomorrow. If Patrick takes away anything else from our dinner, I'm gonna have to be talked off the ledge. 

Micio, bless his heart, thought he would be helpful and clean the floor for me. Here is a pic of Shithead (pronounced Sha-teed) hovering up the scattered veggies. 

On the upside, these pants that I kept in my closet for "when I lose the weight" were actually loose when I put them on today! I bought them last year for my Kilimanjaro trek and couldn't bear to give them away even though they've never really fit properly and usually cut off circulation to the lower half of my body. Whoo-hoo! 


  1. hahaha, but your abs LOOK FANTASTIC

  2. Good kitty! See how helpful? :)

    Girl, I hear ya! Hang in there.

  3. hahahah the EXACT same thing happened to me. and let me tell you, cous cous is a bitch to sweep up. i think there was cous cous in between tiles for days.

    and woooooooooo we get an indulgene this week. chin up and deep breaths!

  4. oh yes, this is veeeery familiar. hang in there, it's all worth it!

  5. You're cat has the most BADASS name in feline history.

    Focus on the good stuff move past the bad stuff.

    Don't buy any new clothes yet cause things are still going to change a lot.

  6. man, our emotions are super edgy right now, aren't they? mine are for sure - it's the little stuff, similar to your couscous explosion, that brings me to tears these days.

    and grace - i haven't commented since you put up your newest pics - you look amazing!! totally badass.

  7. Whenever I make mess in the kitchen, my dog cleans up. She calms me down when I am upset. It is so nice to have a companion !

    Your look great !! Go team BADASS !

  8. That's one of the best reasons to have a pet! Every time my daughter spills food on the floor my mother reminds me why I need a dog.
