Thursday, August 5, 2010

day 36b/37 - going off the reservation

It started with a chicken skewer. Two hours later at a housewarming party, I had ventured so far off the reservation that it was shameful.

There's no excuses for tonight but I felt a little blindsided by my diet no-nos. I took precautions. I deliberately went late so that I wouldn't be there long and if there was food served, it would likely be gone. I chewed my apple and egg white very slowly during the 1.5 mile walk to their place. I had every intention of just popping in, blessing their new apt and dropping off a bottle of prosecco, which btw is the BEST summer beverage out there.

But I was so hungry after the "incredible shrinking dinner" and today's workout was so meh that my powers of resistance completely faded upon arrival. It started with that chicken, which i could rationalize since I didn't have 70 of the 90g of protein allotted for lunch. It went south so quickly that it stunned me. My friends love food and it's all good stuff, locally sourced, organic, etc. There was a delicious mango-avocado-tomato-cilantro salsa, a light but creamy raita and some grilled corn on the cob and potatoes. The worst was the tortilla chips that I used as a vehicle to move the salsa to my mouth. I like tortilla chips and all but it's definitely a snack I can skip.

I didn't drink but that's also what contributed to this derailment. These parties can be awkward (especially if you're not drinking) so I did what I do best and parked it by the food table. There really wasn't much left in the salsa bowl so I sorta got the showing up late part right. BUT I have no trouble batting cleanup and totally hooovered down the last dregs of food.

I avoid temptation religiously because I know I'll cave. (Lesson learned after the last potluck.) I have done my darndest to avoid social interactions where there's a chance of going off the pcp reservation. I spend most nights hanging out with Micio. But it's pretty lonely. My old life, which I don't necessarily miss that much, centered around boozing and eating junk. I do miss being with friends and they have been super supportive in taking me out for teas and coffees. But they're not always around.

This is frickin frustrating as all heck. I'm sorry guys for not honoring the work that we do. A friend of mine has been reminding me to go balls to the wall each time I feel weak. But 90 days is a long time to be badass.

The food I ate maybe wasn't all that bad but it veered me off peak conditioning path. I get that we're supposed to be trimming down this week, hence dealing with a few hunger pangs is worth it to see signs of a six pack in T-54 days.


  1. Being badass for 90 days straight is hard. Good thing you have a whole new chance to do it tomorrow!

  2. ooooh it´'s like i wrote this post myself! its a really fine balance between focusing for 90 days and being a total hermit/anti-social. there are some things you can avoid, like random after work drinks with collegues, but when it's a friend's celebration for something specific it's hard to turn down the invite. summer can be especially bad, i think people are in a more socialising mood? though on the plus-side the food is generally lighter and healthier.
    dont sweat it. it feels nice to share it though? we´ve got your back.

  3. It is hard to find the balance between buckling down for 3 months and still maintaining a semblance of a social life - that right there may be the hardest part of the PCP. So you caved, you blogged about it, and now you can move on - lesson learned. None of us are perfect - we're all just humans doing the best we can. I admire your honesty, Grace! And Louise is right - we've got your back. Go Team Badasssss!

  4. I think the social life aspect has been the toughest thing for me. Spending time with friends and family is a crucial part of a good life, and it's often centered around food. How to reconcile the two?

    In my case, we've been the hosts a lot lately, and that's actually easier to handle. I just explain to everybody what I'm doing and eat my food, no problem.

    Going out is tough! When I've been at parties in the last couple of months, I've just made myself stick to raw fruits & veggies only. That's my compromise. It may not be strictly what I have on my food list for the day, but as long as I feel awkward without a plate in my hand, at least I'm not really hurting my progress too much. (Now the next step is to learn to be okay without a plate in my hand. Eating when not hungry = mindless!)

    Yep, move on! Many more days to be badass!

  5. OK that happened, tomorrow is a new day and last night is behind you. dont beat yourself up on thsi slip, nothing good will comeout, it will not effect the end results, just stick with the program.

  6. thanks you guys! i have a hard time with resetting and moving onto the next play after i make a mistake. it happens all the time on the vball court where i'm thinking bout my error instead of focusing on the current play.

    tara, i like your idea bout keeping it to raw fruits and veggies at parties. it's a good compromise. gotta take the baby steps and we'll get to no-plate party status. :P
