Thursday, July 15, 2010

taking the pcp on the road

Why am I continuously being tested? At work today, I stepped out of the stairwell into an ice cream social in the lobby. Seven to eight flavors, an array of toppings and tons of people enjoying their dessert lunch. The building sponsors one once every six months. Talk bout a great work pick me up. But sadly, I did not partake.

In the office my coworkers were discussing the comfort of eating choc chip cookie dough straight from the package. One of the women had just undergone gum surgery and can only eat soft foods. It hit me pretty hard that cookies and comfort won't be consumed for 75 more days. I haven't gone this long without a cookie since before I was chewing solid food. I'm trying to practice thinking from the end but it's a constant battle to reframe, reframe, reframe.

I cheated last night. I ate an extra 150g of fruit. It wasn't so much that I was hungry but I had eaten things out of order. I squeezed in the workout pre-yoga but I was starving after. I didn't have enough time to cook/eat/digest dinner before class so I ate the PM fruit snack. I thought it wouldn't matter but obviously it did. After dinner, I needed the sweet to close out my eating day and I was totally obsessing about it.

This is gonna be a tough weekend. I'm going to NY tomorrow for a volleyball tournament in Chinatown, place of delicious and cheap food (five dumplings for a $1!!). I'm shopping, cooking and packing all my meals tonight and still have no idea what to bring. I'm staying with a friend so I'll be able to keep my dinners in the fridge but I'm clueless what to do for lunch. We'll be playing outdoors in the sun from 9am on so I'm restricted in what I can bring. Any suggestions folks?


  1. Try to find a 'Chop't Creative Salad' branch-they've saved me on several occasions. Otherwise, pack as much as you can into the biggest cooler you can bring!

  2. Do your best, keep your foods as close to the source as possible, and focus on the volleyball! We'll be waiting for you when you get back!

  3. Sandwiches and salads - that's what's keeping me going at my all-day yoga trainings. You can do it! Also, it should be interesting to see how two weeks of the PCP affects your volleyball playing.

  4. thanks for the suggestions y'all! I usually have pb and j or sometimes a turkey sammich but having to eat proper amounts of veggies and proteins eliminate those options.
