Monday, July 5, 2010

Holiday weekends are always tricky. You end up gorging and eating way more than normal and exercise usually takes a back seat. I'm proud to say I got the workouts done despite pleas from friends to join them earlier.

I was at a bbq for eight hours yesterday and had four drinks. That amount is far fewer than previous 4th of July bashes but my body felt pretty polluted. Social gatherings are going to be a challenge during the pcp. If the food is in front of me, I'll definitely eat it. I only ate half a burger and a salad but I picked at the grilled veggies and other snacks (most of them healthy) even though I wasn't really hungry. I couldn't really reconcile eating only half an asparagus spear so I ate the whole thing. Same thing with the watermelon which is awesome during a hot summer day. How do you only eat half a slice?

Did anyone else groan inwardly when they saw the subtle increase in our exercise sets and jumps? I could do crunches forever but push-ups are brutal.


  1. Stay positive, cause those numbers of reps and sets will never, ever go down! Get ready for PCP Proper!

  2. The social aspect of PCP is arguably the hardest part of the program....sounds like you got thru the BBQ just fine!

  3. I agree, the social aspect is still a challenge for me, but it's gotten much easier. My friends have just accepted that I'm insane and don't bother to ask anymore. ;-) Ha! No, they'll be understanding, and those that aren't, well, do your best to be understanding of them.

    Good luck with the start of PCP proper!

  4. Really what is half the normal watermelon serving? On a hot day with a plate of watemelon in front of me I'll gladly eat it all.

    But just think, by the time the Labor Day long weekend rolls around, we'll be two months in and hopefully better equipped to deal with the long weekend barbecues.

  5. Eat and drink slow, keep the food longer on your plate, than you will run less to refill, this is my discovery from last night
