Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Lots to report from the weekend. Well, not really. We got 3rd which sounds good but usually we're in the finals. The really disappointing part was that we totally collapsed against the team we lost to. They barely had to put the ball in play and we self-destructed. Don't understand what our deal is against that team since my teammates are awesome and really talented. 

Failure - Good and Bad.  I was at failure for all three sets of pushups on Tuesday. Try as I did, I could not come back up on the last one of each set. It was a little disappointing since I've been doing pushups on my toes all along. It always felt too awkward to do them on my knees. Also at failure on the third set of dips which was a new experience. I love dips and working my triceps. Clearly, I didn't love them to failure before. 

Diet wise I had mixed results in NY. I definitely strayed from the pcp diet. Breakfast and lunches I ate my meals at my friends  place but didn't fare so well for lunch. I had soup dumplings filled with pork and crab. They were probably not to close to the source. They were salty and delicious. I probably needed the salt with all the sweating. It felt like we were being seared alive playing on concrete in 95 deg temps (35C). Also drank coconut water. I figured it was better than gatorade, which I didn't touch all weekend. 

It felt strange to be getting back to the pcp workout on Tues after five days away from it. Per Patrick's instructions, I only did jump rope for the two days before the tournament. I skipped Monday because my body was too sore from the weekend and I did feel on the verge of illness. I'm ready to go full throttle now. Hoorah, just in time for another batch of new and frightening exercises.

Clearly opaque. I'm not sure I, or anyone else, can see that much of a change in my body but something is up. My colleague at work complimented me on an old raggedy dress I was wearing yesterday. I don't think it's the dress but she probably couldn't quite put her finger on what was different. I definitely noticed the veins popping on my hands but didn't think there were that many fat layers there. 

Yup, that's me diving on concrete. Funny, but I didn't really remember hitting the ground. The image might be too small to see but the pcp is definitely making my muscles more pronounced. I'm seeing other results too. Dropped 3.5 pounds. The scale actually reads a little more but I'm factoring in the water weight. 

I can't wait until the weekend. It's Thursday and I still haven't caught up. Another tournament on Saturday which I'm  not looking forward to.

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