Wednesday, July 7, 2010

fraidy cat

Ok, now I'm scared. I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Holy moly. It's only 90 days and things will be awesome in the end but man, do I feel some trepidation. And my usual comfort activity - watching Top Chef and eating - isn't going to help.

It's not the exercises that have me afraid. (Although that's probably because my body doesn't really know what kind of beating it's about to take.) It's the diet. I'm worried about inadvertently eating the wrong thing and whether or not I can stick to the food plan. Don't get me wrong, I love vegetables and I eat a lot of them. One of my old food rules used to be that I could eat as many cookies, cakes, and candy as long as I ate my greens. But all of this is pretty hard core. I'm trying to look at the diet through a lens of abundance. It's not about what I can't have during the next 83 days. It's the mindset of I get to eat so many things I love - apples, pineapple, grapes, arugula, broccoli, etc.


  1. You'll get used to it quickly. You have the right attitude, the problem isn't all the stuff you can't eat, but all the stuff you have to choose from!

  2. Yeah, Patrick's right, I had a really hard time figuring out what I wanted to buy and ended up getting way to much the first couple weeks.

    I've settled into a routine with things I like now...adding something special if I have the time. It'll be hard at first, but you'll fall into it.
