Tuesday, September 28, 2010

d90-post workout

done. d-d-d-one, d-d-d-done, done, done. la-la-la-la.

Did the workout during lunch. It didn't take much time and I'm stronger but there are still things that wind me. Per Patrick's instructions, I kept the diet until I finished the last workout. Now, I'm munching cookies (two) that a friend made as a belated birthday present. She left them at my desk this morning. No better way to celebrate! And it was a treat that's homemade, even if I didn't make it. :P It's weird to not have restrictions. I was admiring my breakfast and lunch and thinking how much I loved the food I got to know on the pcp. But I was really stoked to do the last dishes associated with the pcp. No more have-tos for awhile! Oh, except for final post and pics. well, ok, almost done.

p.s. a friend emailed me out of the blue and asked if i wanted to do p90x. HA! i told her to check out my pcp blog and pics.


  1. Good work! Looking forward to photos!

  2. The p90x question is hilarious. What did she say to your blog???

  3. Yeah yeah yeah!! Way to go Grace!!!

    I saw the P90x guy driving on the highway the other day. Jordan's boss is doing it and it seems like some of the exercises we do in firefighting class come from it. I'm kind of intrigued with how it compares to pcp in terms of the exercises.

  4. Way to go Gracers! I can't believe you are finished. But thanks for getting me involved in this.
